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These mysterious little creatures went extinct as a result of the k-pg extinction event the marked the end of the Cretaceous period. No direct relatives of the Ammonite exist today, so little is known about their way of life. This makes their fossils all the more interesting to scientists.  Interestingly, Ammonites are more closely related to squids than they are to the shelled sea dwellers that live today. 


Ammonite fossils are deeply connected to the ancient and eternal.

Over the eons, Ammonite shells have absorbed the energies of the cosmic and can infuse the body with this lifeforce. Their spiral shape is a sign of the interconnectedness of all things and the divine or supreme plan of all life. Imbued with Earth Energy, these fossils help us connect with nature's healing power and grounds us, helping us sense our connection with all living things throughout time. It is thought to hold Ammonite shells while meditating can connect us to the knowledge of our ancient ancestors or from within our own past lives. 

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