
Astrophyllite is very rare stone the forms golden blades that radiate outwards like a star. Its name comes from the Greek astron meaning star and phyllon meaning leaf. It is a popular stone for collectors and it's metaphysical meaning and healing properties make is highly desirable for spiritual purposes. 

astrophyllite stones



Astrophyllite was first found in 1844 by the Norwegian mineralogist Paul Christian Weibye. He described it as brown glimmer or brauner glimmer. Ten years later, it was named Astrophyllite by Carl Johan August Theodor Scheerer who described its properties.

Astrophyllite is found in relatively few locations compared to other minerals. It forms in fissures or cracks in the earth.

The chemical formula for Astrophyllite: K2NaFe2+7Ti2Si8O28(OH)4F


What is Astrophyllite?

Astrophyllite is a rare mineral. Its crystal structure can be described as small blades extruding in a radiating pattern from the center like a star or snowflake.

Astrophyllite and Kupletskite

Astrophyllite shares an isomorphous pair with the mineral Kupletskite. Isomorphic crystals pairs have a very similar chemical formulation and maintain identical crystal structures. This makes Astrophyllite and Kupletskite identical in their crystal structure and appearance, and color (brown to golden-yellow). The only difference between their chemical formulations is the ordered arrangement of the atoms and ions.

Astrophyllite chemical formulation: (K,Na)3(Fe++,Mn)7Ti2Si8O24(O,OH)7, 

Kupletskite chemical formulation: (K,Na)3(Mn,Fe)7Ti2Si8O26(OH)4F.

Astrophyllite Origin and Sources

Astrophyllite was first discovered in 1844 on Laven Island by the Norwegian mineralogist Paul Christian Weibye (1819-1865), and its isomorphic crystal pair, Kupletskite was not discovered until 1956. Astrophyllite is only found in a very few places around the globe: Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada; Pikes Peak, Colorado, US; Narsarsuk and Kangerdluarsuk, Greenland; Brevig, Norway; and the Kola Peninsula, Russia.

Astrophyllite Formation

Astrophyllite Locality: Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, Russia (Locality at Size: 6.9 x 6.2 x 1.9 cm. A particularly fine specimen from this important locality with thick, metallic-foil-like, flat-laying crystals to 3 cm embedded in matrix. Ex. Martin Zinn Collection.Astrophyllite minerals form in igneous rock deposited in cavities and fissures within the Earth’s crust. Igneous rock is formed during the cooling and solidification of liquid magma which can occur in one of two ways; the liquid magma can cool and solidify slowly underground or can be cooled and solidified quickly in the atmosphere or on the surface of the Earth after a volcanic explosion. When igneous rock is released into the atmosphere from a volcanic eruption it is known as pumice. Astrophyllite can be found in large masses of igneous rock and within pegmatite. Pegmatite is a combination of loose igneous rock with intertwining crystals which can be found near large solid masses of igneous rock sometimes referred to as “batholiths’.

Astrophyllite Appearance

Astrophyllite is a soft white or brown stone that has golden blades. It is easy to identify in raw form with its striking golden spikes radiating outwards. When tumbled or polished, Astrophyllite will appear a milky white, light brown or gray color. It often has bars of black and red suspended on the interior. These bars may reflect a gold color and gold specks may be present on the surface. 

Natural/Rough Astrophyllite  Tumbled Astrophyllite
Tumbled Astrophyllite Stones from buzzingamarketing. Origin: Russia


Astrophyllite VS Arfvedsonite, what's the difference?

Astrophyllite VS Arfvedsonite - what's the difference

 Astrophyllite Arfvedsonite
Stone is white to light brown, may look gray and have translucency Base of the stone is deep black, to bluish black. Opaque.
Black, Brown, Red and Gold Bars or spots Blue, Gold and Silver Flashes that fan outwards on the surface
Very Rare Rare
Should be 2X-4X the cost of Arfvedsonite Should be roughly half the price of Astrophyllite


Browse Astrophyllite Stones

Browse Arfvedsonite Stones

Astrophyllite Metaphysical Properties

Associated with the celestial, Astrophyllite has been called ‘a gateway to the stars’ for its unique beauty and metaphysical reputation.  Astrophyllite is thought to expand one’s consciousness and expose the many layers of reality. It embraces the multidimensionality of being. In the physical world, there are things we are unable to perceive, such as certain wavelengths of light, sounds out of our hearing range and possibly higher dimensions that interact with us in imperceptible ways.  Astrophyllite is thought to compensate for our physical restrictions by expanding our spiritual perception of all things. It is a popular stone for those working on 'Astral Travel'.

As Astrophyllite is a bridge for perception, it also activates the highest and lowest chakras, uniting each energy center along the way. It is a stone of fullness, acceptance and transcendence.

Astrophyllite is also thought to help us sense the needs of others, and has become a popular stone for acupuncturists, Reiki practitioners and even manage therapists.

Astrophyllite Elemental Energy: Storm, Air, Fire

Astrophyllite Chakra: All, crown & root

Astrophyllite Best Suited Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer